Weekday Preschool
Child Enrichment Center
As a ministry of Highland Baptist Church, the Child Enrichment Center seeks to provide a Christian atmosphere where children can grow spiritually, socially, emotionally, physically, and intellectually with attention being given to individual needs.

Our Mission
The CEC provides a child enrichment program consisting of developmental experiences in keeping with the highest quality program for early childhood education, while upholding the values and outreach of Highland's Christian beliefs, in a happy and safe atmosphere. With more than 100 years in combined experience, the staff of the Highland Child Enrichment Center strives to enrich and minister to each child.
Highland's Child Enrichment Center offers a professionally written, hands on, developmentally appropriate, Bible-centered, GOD-centered curriculum. The CEC curriculum is fully supported by the North Carolina Baptist State Convention. All children receive a weekly Bible fun class. Center-based, child-friendly classrooms help ensure that your child's comfort and safety while helping to facilitate your child's learning progress.

Train up a child in the way he should go;
and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
The Child Enrichment Center is designed to minister and to be accessible to all families.
We enroll children ages 1 year through 5 years of age. Enrollment will be determined based on classroom availability and the child’s age as of August 31st of that school year.
Hours of Operation
Monday - Thursday
9:00am - 1:00pm​
Kim Payne, Director
Phone: 919.779.6768
Email : hbccec@highlandbaptistchurch.org
CEC Handbook
Click here to access our parent handbook
Job Application
Click here to access our job application form