Highland Missions
We are mission active and strive to take every opportunity to share the love of Jesus Christ through word, prayer, and action. Highland is involved in a variety of mission opportunities in our local community and around the world. Highland Mission volunteers include youth, adults, senior adults, and families - all with a heart to serve and share Jesus with others.

Missions Opportunites

Ramp Ministry
As needed, teams meet at Highland to provide ramps for those who cannot provide for themselves. If you would like to be involved or have questions, please contact Josh Inscore at jinscore@gmail.com.

Food Pantry & Garden of Hope
Members of Highland participate in supporting the Food Pantry and the Garden of Hope as part of our ministry with Community of Hope. If you would like to participate, please contact the Missions team at hbcmissions@googlegroups.com for more information.

Disaster Relief
At Highland, we work with Baptists on Mission to respond to disasters and meet the needs that we are informed of. We'd love for you to get involved with us.
Click below for documents needed to serve
Medical Form
Liability Form
Youth Permission Form
Mission Trips
Every summer Highland participates in a week long mission trip where we can be doing anything from construction work, vacation bible school, nursing homes, cooking, and more. Locations vary year to year as we follow where God leads us. Mission trip dates are released around January each year.
Ministry Partners

Able to Serve believes that every person, regardless of their abilities, is created by God to live a full life. They provide a day program that provides adults with disabilities a supportive environment where they can reach their full potential as an integral part of God’s creation. Able to serve focuses on equipping participants with life skills to be more independent and connecting them with opportunities to use their abilities to serve others in our community.

Community of Hope Ministries serves the at-risk population in the greater Garner Community. They provide at-risk families with Nutrition Assistance/Food Pantry services, Crisis Assistance, free tutoring in their After School Program, Camp Good Hope, Carpenter's Hands, and Jobs for Life.

The Caring Connections Ministry is a mentoring program for women in the greater Raleigh area who feel overwhelmed and alone as they face barriers of poverty, substance misuse recovery, re-entry after justice involvement, or underemployment.

With Love from Jesus is an Evangelical outreach to the needy community in Raleigh, NC and surrounding areas. Their goal is to minister to the spiritual needs of those individuals that are served each week.

Through the love of Jesus Christ, Raleigh Rescue Mission transforms lives of men, women and children experiencing homelessness by ministering to their physical, emotional and spiritual needs.

The Raleigh Baptist Association is a partnership of Baptist churches in the Wake County area for resource, training, missions and ministry.

Baptists on Mission exists to Glorify God by involving churches and Christians in meeting human needs in Jesus’ name