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Joy Class

Highland Baptist Church is one of the founding churches in the Triangle area for ministering to individuals with special needs.  Our first special ministries Sunday school class began in 1984, and to this day, it continues to be a vital ministry in the life of our church.  Highland Baptist Church promotes the importance of allowing all people to worship and learn about God’s unconditional love.  We strive to reach out to all persons with physical and mental disabilities by providing a nurturing, learning environment that encompasses God’s plan of salvation.  Our Sunday school meets every Sunday morning at 9:00am. 


Our Special Ministries has four primary objectives:

  • First, it provides a place where all may worship, and families may worship together.

  • Secondly, it encourages class members to be all that they can be within the whole body of our congregation.  The Bible teaches that “the body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body.  So it is with Christ.” (1 Corinthians 12:12)  It is our belief that everyone has something to offer to the glory of the Lord, and there is no doubt that our special members excel in their blessings.  God has used and will continue to use these individuals to conform us to the image of His Son.

  • The third objective of Special Ministries is to allow family members to attend their own Sunday school class with the assurance that their loved one is being cared for and is being taught God’s Word weekly.

  • Lastly, this ministry provides activities and recreation, allowing families the opportunity to participate with the group or to use the time for a period of respite.

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